lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

I am going to eat a steak

He is going to study for the exam

We are going to play in the concert

They are going to make a party

You are going to pay

She is going to do the shopping 

The movie will start at 10 o'clock 

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

Irregular verbs
I speak English today
Yesterday I spoke English
I speak English now
Speak English last year
He breaks the cell today
It broke the cell last year
He is breaking the cell now
He was breaking the cell last year
He chooses ice cream today
He chose an ice cream yesterday
He chose an ice cream now
He chooses ice cream now
She gets a rose today
She get a rose yesterday
She get is now receiving a rose
She get was getting a rose last year
She forgets a sweet today
She forgets a sweet last week
She is forgetting a sweet now
She was a sweet forgetting yesterday
I freeze ice cream today
I freeze ice cream last week
I freeze ice cream yesterday
I'm freezing an ice cream now
She stole my heart today
She stole my heart yesterday
She stole my heart a week ago
She stole my heart now
My grandmother knits a sweater today
My grandmother was knitting a sweater yesterday
My grandmother is knitting a sweater now
My grandmother was knitting a sweater last week
I write a book today
I wrote a book yesterday
I wrote a book last week
I'm writing a book now
He drives a car today
Conducted car last week
He is driving a car now
He was driving a car yesterday
Go up
You climbed the building today
You climb the building now
You climbed the building last week
You climbed the building yesterday
We got up at 7 today
We got up at 7 yesterday
We got up at 7 now
We got up at 7 a week ago
I went for a walk today
I went for a walk yesterday
I went for a walk a week ago
I'm walking now
 I strive in school today
I strive in school now
I struggled in school last week
I struggled at school yesterday
He cut a newspaper today
He tore a paper yesterday
He is destroying a document now
He was breaking an article last


I rise to the last floor of the building today
I risen to the last floor of the building last week
I am rising to the last floor of the building now
I was rising to the last floor of the buildind yesterday


He arises at 7 am today
He arisen at 7am yesterday
He is arising at 7am now
He was arising at 7am lat week

It thrives in the garden today
It thrived in te garden yesterday
It is thriving in the garden now
It was thriving in the garden last week


He tears a paper today
He torn a paper yesterday
He is tearing a paper now
He was tearing a paper last week


I wear a jeans today
I worn a jeans yesterday
I am wearing a jeans now
I was wearing a jeans last week


He begins reading a book today
He begun a reading book last week
He is beginning a book now
He was beginning a book last week


She drinks a coffee today
She drank a coffee last week
She is drinking a coffee now
She was drinking a coffe last year


We run the park today
We ran the park last year
We are running the park now
We are running the park last week


It sinks into the sea today
It sank into the sea in 1912
It is sinking into the sea now
It was sinking into the sea last year


He swims in the pool today
He swum in te pool yesterday
He is swimming in the pool now
He was swimming in te pool last year

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

Tourist Places London, England

Tower of London.

Big Ben

Windsor Castle

London Eye


Westminster Palace

British Museum 

Royal Crescent Bath

Buckingham Palace

Canterbury Cathedral

Peak District National Park

Trafalgar Square

Jane Austen's Hause Museum

Thames River

Globe Theatre

Hyde Park

The Eden Project

Hampton Court Palace

Thorpe Park

Royal Albert Hall